Tuesday, November 2, 2010

{DIY Pore Strips}

What you need:
1/2 Teaspoon unflavored gelatin
1 Teaspoon milk
Small microwavable bowl
Makeup brush or clean paint brush

What you do:
Add the gelatin & the milk in the bowl 
Microwave for 10 seconds
Mix together & paint on wherever you have blackheads
{Make sure to clean your brush right now or it will be a sticky mess}
Let set for about 10-20 minuets or until completely dry
Peel off.
Thats it your done. EASY!!

I would recommend putting a warm washcloth on your face prior to applying the mix just to loosen the debris and aid in removal.

This will cost you next to nothing too!
One box of Knox gelatin is just $2 with four packets inside.  Each packet will make 5 batches with enough to cover your chin and nose (and maybe even a buddies too) which comes to a whopping total of 10 cents a treatment or 5 cents each nose and chin strip!  
{ Fabric Wreath }

I Just took some newspaper & made a round "frame" for me to tie the fabric around.
 You could use basically anything that you wanted for the frame. You will want to make sure though, that it is small enough to tie the fabric around.
{A lot of people use a wire hanger}
I wanted mind to be a little bit thicker than a hanger.

 I cut about 6''x1'' strips of fabric. I tried to make them a little bit less than perfect though.

Then tied the strips to the news paper frame. 

Until I had the whole thing covered. 

 I then tied some black ribbon around it for Halloween. I am planning to take the black ribbon off now that Halloween is over and add some fall colored ribbon.
You can also tie ribbon to it to hang it from.

There are 100,000 ways that you can make it unique. Christmas colored ribbon, Valentines, Easter, 4th of July, fray the ends.... the possibilities are endless!
I'm excited to make more for the upcoming holidays! 

Monday, October 11, 2010

The weather is turning cooler...
The leaves are changing colors...
Theres footballpumpkins, and the smell of crackling wood stoves is in the air....
This could only mean one thing...
Autumn is here!

Which also means Halloween
is right around the corner!

This is, hands down, my most favorite time if the year.
My creative juices start to boil...
& I go crazy
(at times i've been known to go a "little bit" overboard with decorating my home, making crafts, & making way way too many Halloween treats)
I can not control myself.
I spend way too much money & time on Halloween & Autumn.
AND I must admit...
I LOVE every minuet of it.

I also know it has been way too long since I have posted any of my crafts that I have done in the last few moths, with summer & work...we were always on the go. I think we spent a total of maybe 4 weekend home.

Now that its starting to cool off and we only have a few things planned {so far} for this fall. I have been crafting and baking like crazy.
So after a long {Blogging vacation} I am back and excited to post what I have been up to the past few weeks. Stay tuned & I hope you enjoy! :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

So..we (as in my work) just got a new office, witch means we need to organize the sterilization room, and the operatories. We have also been traveling a little bit too, so I have gotten the opportunity
to see how other offices organize their stuff, because there is a lot of little things, and its a crazy mess
when things are just put in random places, and everything just runs soo much smoother and faster when
things are organized and you know where everything is. So what I have decided to do,
(since a sterilization room is very similar to a kitchen) To blog the how we have organized it.
I figure finding ways to organize at the office will help me find ways to organize my house. (and
everyone else too). So make sure to keep checking back too see what we have done. :)